Hey there, fellow marketers!
I'm back from my (brief) hibernation, and I'm not gonna lie; last year's content schedule was a bit... sporadic.
This year, I'm doubling down on my commitment to delivering you the best damn content marketing resources out there each month. Think actionable strategies, thought-provoking insights, and a healthy dose of inspiration to fuel your creativity.
Here’s to 2024 – let’s get it started right.
Today’s agenda:
Winter is coming here. Or, at least in Indiana, the cloudy, frigid days are short, and the nights are dark.
So this won’t exactly lighten the mood — but it’s time to talk about your content dark funnel.
“My what...”
A content dark funnel encompasses the pieces of the customer journey that either happen offline or can’t be easily measured via attribution software.
That “dark funnel” can include in-person events (like trade shows or conferences), public relations (awards, news articles mentioning your org), third-party sites (like those that review products or services, for example), and user-generated content (online forums, social media posts).
Exhale. That’s a whole lot of content and effort that you might be throwing at the wall blind.
When it comes to measuring the success (*whispers*... or failure) of your marketing initiatives, attribution is huge. So what goes on inside the content “dark funnel” can be hard to quantify when you head to the boardroom to talk about how much you’ve built the lead pipeline in the last quarter.
How do you even know?
Here’s what that black hole might look like in ag marketing. Someone may have:
Technically, all 3 of those people either are more aware of or know more about your brand than they did the day before, thanks to your marketing materials. But they don’t “count” in your marketing metrics (beyond a single impression or website visitor).
And, unfortunately, for many organizations, if it can’t be measured, it’s probably ignored. (That’s true in ag and elsewhere.)
But there’s still value in those efforts — even if your software doesn’t pick up on “conversions” from them. In fact, according to this piece, some of the most important touchpoints in a B2B buying journey aren’t actually measured by attribution software.
So how do you fill the gaps to measure those “dark funnel” pieces? You can try:
FWIW, I’m not totally sold on the effectiveness of third-party tools to measure dark funnel assets, especially in the ag world (but I’ve been wrong before!).
But most importantly, the lesson here is this:
Just because something isn’t measured by traditional marketing software or processes, doesn’t mean it’s not working. This is especially true in a sector like ag, where there are more person-to-person interactions than in other industries, and where the buying journey can be a little slower than a simple “see an ad, click to buy” funnel.
Take John, a third-generation farmer. He might not click an ad or fill out a form, but that doesn't mean he isn't influenced by your dark funnel content. Maybe your blog post on irrigation best practices sparked a conversation at the county fair, leading him to consider your water-saving tech. Or perhaps your farmer-to-farmer video series on YouTube reminded him to ask some other local growers if they had heard of your brand before.
John's journey might not be tracked by your CRM, but it's happening. Don't underestimate the power of these invisible threads that connect you to your audience in agriculture.
Remember, in agriculture, the path to purchase is rarely linear. Be patient, be strategic, and above all, be present in the dark funnel where genuine connections and lasting success grow.
Drowning in design needs?
Underwhelmed by one-off freelance support?
Looking for an all-things-ag resource that ‘gets it’?
We gotchu.
Imagine Content’s sister brand is now live: Imagine Content Design Studio.
For a monthly fixed price, you get unlimited design requests from a 3-person design team. Facilitated through a simple project board and proof review platform, you can asynchronously fulfill all the design needs you have across your team.
Learn more and book a 15-min chat to see how this can fit in your business.
I say, you say. What if there was a tool to help you personalize content between a young, up-and-coming Gen Z farmer vs a 62-year-old elder statesman? We might be getting closer. A new AI feature within Grammarly could potentially detect a person’s unique voice, then rewrite text in that style. (Woah.)
Social media dark horse? Be honest: when was the last time you engaged with something on LinkedIn? It might be pretty recent for most of you, apparently.
New filter drop. Google seems to be demo’ing a new “perspectives search filter.” Essentially, when you search on desktop using the filter, results pop up with long and short-form videos, images, and written posts that people have shared on discussion boards, Q&A sites, and social media platforms.
Check out my team's marketing musings every other week where we dive into different content creation strategies and audience-building tactics in agriculture and beyond.
Morning, marketing pals! There is nothing like the frozen tundra of January in central Indiana to parse through multiple Google sheets of Google Ads data... 💤 I'm only half kidding. These spreadsheet-diving sessions revealed something interesting about our client's Q4 results. It turns out that while everyone's chasing the next shiny marketing trend, it was the "boring" stuff that crushed it for our clients. Good old-fashioned SEO fundamentals paired with a smart paid strategy had traffic and...
🎄 Happy last Friday before it’s officially acceptable to flip on the Christmas lights. Don’t mind the Martin fam—we’ve had a tree up for three weeks. Just us? Thanksgiving is so close you can practically smell the pie, and today’s newsletter is all about SEO—specifically, local SEO. Over the years, I’ve become fascinated by how SEO shapes up in agriculture and farming. Lucky for us, Tanner Reed’s the expert, sharing his insights in today’s Q&A. Also, I'm nosey... today's poll is trying to get...
Happy (early) Halloween! 🎃 I know I've been a bit MIA on the blog front lately. I could apologize, but let's be honest—one less email in your inbox probably wasn't the worst thing. So... you're welcome. 😉 The real reason for my absence? My team and I have been knee-deep in some marketing experiments (aka the fun stuff you'll find in the blog below). We're figuring out where we can fill the gaps and create new opportunities to serve ag clients better. So, take a look, take our poll below, and...