Happy (early) Halloween! 🎃 I know I've been a bit MIA on the blog front lately. I could apologize, but let's be honest—one less email in your inbox probably wasn't the worst thing. So... you're welcome. 😉 The real reason for my absence? My team and I have been knee-deep in some marketing experiments (aka the fun stuff you'll find in the blog below). We're figuring out where we can fill the gaps and create new opportunities to serve ag clients better. So, take a look, take our poll below, and who knows? Maybe we’ll roll out something as sweet as those king-sized Snickers bars the neighbor hands out down the street every Halloween. Let’s dive in! On today’s docket:
🗳️ Poll of the week:
*If you'd vote *other*, simply reply to this email and let me know what your biggest gap/pain point is! 🕵🏼 Outsmart, outplay, outlast: The art of keeping tabs on competitorsMy 4-year old, Cooper, is competitive. Like uber competitive. His pre-K soccer league is a great example. Functioning a bit like the World Cup, teams are designated after countries. He’s on team France (Vive la France!). Two weeks back, after annihilating team Brazil on a breezy fall afternoon, he runs up to me while side-eyeing the soccer field to our left — apparently still consumed with the match his team lost weeks ago. “Dad, did Holland win their game today?”
“Hey bud - uhm, I don’t know. But great job today, you killed it!”
“Thanks dad, but, uhm, can you ask someone if Holland won?”
“Coop, I mean, I can. But we already played Holland, what’s the big deal? You don’t have to play them again.”
“I just wanna know—are they still winning? Like, are they beating other teams like they beat us?”
Mind you… this is a no-score, no-standings league. But my child? He’s cut from the same competitive cloth as me, so let’s just say the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Fast forward to me, trying to coach my hyper-focused, mini-obsessive athlete on staying in his own lane and focusing on his game. This idea isn’t far off from how I work with content clients. I’m often telling them: “Stick to your own content plan. Don’t get too wrapped up in what the competition’s doing.” But I also coach a balancing act—yes, stay focused on your game, but it’s okay to lightly keep tabs on competitors. Glance at their social posts, maybe take note if they got a feature on AgWeb. Just don’t make it your obsession. But… is that enough? Should we be doing more? Lately, I’ve been thinking, yes.
And here’s why: It’s not about becoming consumed by what your competitors are up to. We’re not looking to copy their every move or over-analyze every piece of marketing they deploy. The real value comes from capturing insights that help you do three crucial things: 1. Position and differentiate your brandThis one might seem obvious, but competitive intel can help you flip the script on what your competitors are doing. Ask yourself:
Too often, we get caught up in our own little bubble—perfecting messaging and building marketing campaigns—only to have the sales team come back and say, “The prospect thought we were just another version of [competitor].” Ouch. But at least that’s a signal that our marketing work isn’t breaking through. To fix that, we need to stay alert, actively monitor competitors, and use those insights to sharpen our positioning. It’s how you stay ahead of the curve and ensure you’re not just another face in the crowd. 2. Get more nimble and adaptableThe only constant in marketing (and business, and life…) is change. If your business, offerings, and campaigns don’t evolve, you can bet your competitors will. Spending just 30 minutes a week reviewing what your competitors are up to can unlock a real-time competitive advantage. Suddenly, you’re not just reacting—you’re anticipating. You can pounce on gaps in their messaging, highlight the flaws in their latest offering, and collaborate with your sales team to send out a timely email sequence that shows you’re not only aware of the latest marketplace shifts but you’re still leading the charge. Quick, strategic marketing moves turn heads. They grab your prospects’ attention—in all the right ways. Isn’t that what we all want? 3. Inform your sales teamLet’s be real: we’ve all heard the stories about the love-hate relationship between sales and marketing. But we’re not here to dive into that drama. Instead, think about what happens when both teams have regular access to competitive intel—it’s a game changer. Sharing competitive reports can open up a whole new level of collaboration, where marketing isn’t just handing off leads but arming the sales team with real-time insights. Suddenly, everyone’s on the same mission, fighting the same battle. Sales can take those insights straight to the field to vet digital strategies and deploy key messages, tactics, or tools. This helps them either counter or capitalize on what competitors are doing. It’s a win-win. You give the sales team tangible value—ammo they can use. No more walking into meetings blind. Instead, they show up with a clear view of the industry landscape and exactly how they stack up against the competition. So, hopping onto this competitive intel train, my pal Tanner Reed and I have been running one-off test reports for folks in the industry—and, let me tell you, the insights are, well... insightful.
If this sounds like something you’d want to dig into, we’d love to run a competitive intel mock-up for you. It’s not an exact science, but we do know the insights from our biweekly or monthly reports are sparking conversations across teams—sales, product, even leadership. Just hit reply to this email, and we’ll get you set up. 💼 Ag Marketing Gigs
*Shoot me a note if you ever had roles you'd like promoted in the future. Need a little extra help with all things content? Chat with us at Imagine Content to discuss how we help ag brands build trust, authority, and audiences. We've worked with 30+ ag brands on content strategy + execution, SEO, design, and content analytics. Get in touch to see past work and share where you're needing help. Or, do you need a little more design capacity? Subscribe to our simple, unlimited design service to support your existing graphic designers or utilize an outsourced team. That's all for this month, folks! |
Check out my team's marketing musings every other week where we dive into different content creation strategies and audience-building tactics in agriculture and beyond.
Morning, marketing pals! There is nothing like the frozen tundra of January in central Indiana to parse through multiple Google sheets of Google Ads data... 💤 I'm only half kidding. These spreadsheet-diving sessions revealed something interesting about our client's Q4 results. It turns out that while everyone's chasing the next shiny marketing trend, it was the "boring" stuff that crushed it for our clients. Good old-fashioned SEO fundamentals paired with a smart paid strategy had traffic and...
🎄 Happy last Friday before it’s officially acceptable to flip on the Christmas lights. Don’t mind the Martin fam—we’ve had a tree up for three weeks. Just us? Thanksgiving is so close you can practically smell the pie, and today’s newsletter is all about SEO—specifically, local SEO. Over the years, I’ve become fascinated by how SEO shapes up in agriculture and farming. Lucky for us, Tanner Reed’s the expert, sharing his insights in today’s Q&A. Also, I'm nosey... today's poll is trying to get...
Howdy, marketing comrades, Real-time shot of me trying to be all zen on a northern Michigan lake this week: GIPHY Yep, it’s that time of year where we pack the Explorer to the gills, drive six hours north with 40+ extended family members, and do all things “nature” for the next week. Some call that hell, we call it… err, a vacation. That said, today’s newsletter is less original insight and more curated “what’s on Trav’s content brain these days” as I try to soak in a little R&R. Enjoy! On...