🖥️ Getting your hands dirty with interactive content in ag marketing

Good morning, folks!

Summer is a whirlwind for the Imagine Content team: dashing to client events, squeezing in much-needed summer vacations, and trying to recharge our batteries despite the 90-degree heat zapping our energy.

With all that in mind, today's message will be quick and snappy.

But don't let the brevity fool you into thinking it's any less crucial than my usual musings...

In fact, this might be the most vital one yet.

And no, I won’t be the 100th person spamming your inbox about AI… is that just my LinkedIn feed?

I’m talking about interactive content in agriculture.

On today’s docket:

  • Getting your hands dirty with interactive content in ag marketing
  • Update on 'Tread Digital'

🖥️ Getting your hands dirty with interactive content in ag marketing

Here’s my soapbox moment: if you’re not thinking about how to make your digital content more interactive, you’re putting your audience to sleep.

And I get it: farmers need more sleep. But this ain’t the way.

So, what is interactive content?

Out in the wild, it can take countless forms. Some of the most popular are:

  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Landing pages
  • Quizzes
  • Presentations
  • Product demos
  • Games
  • (To name a few.)

Picture this: content that’s not just read but experienced.

Things like:

  • A step-by-step guide
  • A click-through case study
  • A choose-your-own-adventure infographic

The common thread? Active participation.

We're talking clicking, hovering, fully engaging in the experience you’re driving them toward.

But here's the kicker: this kind of content isn’t just fun. It actually works.

Here’s a biggie from the Demand Gen Report: 91% of B2B buyers prefer interactive content over static content.

And while all of us marketers like the notion that buyers prefer it, we love the reality that it performs better.

Check out these stats from our pals at Mediafly:

  • Views: Interactive content saw a 94% increase in views than traditional, static content.
  • Engagement: Interactive content boasts 52.6% more engagement. Buyers spend an average of 8.5 minutes on static content but linger for 13 minutes on interactive content.
  • Conversions: Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content.

And this all matters because B2B buyers (yes, even farmers and ranchers!) are doing more self-educating into the sales cycle.

They're not just picking up the phone to chat with sales reps or submitting an online form immediately. No, they're diving deep into the digital world, doing their homework long before they even think about talking to someone.

Gartner predicts that 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels—and content marketing, specifically interactive content, can be a huge piece of the Swiss Army knife that supports those online interactions.

And in agriculture, interactive content might be even more important.

We stage crops by visual clues. We early diagnose livestock through visual symptoms. We value equipment by more than just hours of operation. Farming is visual. It's hands-on. It's tangible.

My personal take: this agriculture audience craves interaction. Rich, engaging content speaks their language.

These folks aren't sitting at desks, scrolling through endless text-based emails. They're hands-on in the fields or barns, fully engaged with the physical world around them.

We should be actively dishing out content our audience can truly engage with. We want to serve up content experiences that kickstart their brains and nudge them to ponder challenges, opportunities, and potential solutions (with your brand shining in the mix, of course!).

So tell me: what interactive content in agriculture has caught your eye lately? Drop me a note—I'd love to see your examples and have a chat.

💼 ⭐️ Come join Tread Digital - it's *FREE*!

Hey folks, we've got 50 ag marketers hanging out in Tread Digital since its debut, and the conversations are 🔥.

Right now, we've got threads going on:

All good stuff, and I'm personally getting a ton of value out of it.

That said, we're making a pivot to the community model...

Starting today, Tread Digital is completely free to join!

Over the coming months, we'll release some premium-paid assets you can take advantage of if interested, but in the meantime, jump in and start participating in the conversation.

Need a reminder of what's all free in the database?

A few highlights:

  • Discover your next opportunity or gig with a premier curated job board (for both full-time and contract roles), with 20-30 jobs posted weekly.
  • Brainstorm your next project with our exclusive ‘swipe file,’ an open database of 70+ (and growing weekly) examples of agriculture content, campaigns, videos, and more.
  • Beef up your professional resource bank to do your job even better with messaging templates, content distribution checklists, and databases of 'Ag Influencers', marketing agencies, and more.
  • Ask questions or monitor threads in multiple ‘spaces’ with discussions on content, campaigns, digital marketing tools, and more.
  • Expand your network or solicit contractor support by connect directly via private messages with other ag professionals.

Wanna join us? Learn more and join here.

Need a little extra help with all things content? Chat with us at Imagine Content to discuss how we help ag brands build trust, authority, and audiences. We've worked with 25+ ag brands on content strategy + execution, SEO, design, and content analytics. Get in touch to see past work and share where you're needing help.

Or, do you need a little more design capacity? Subscribe to our simple, unlimited design service to support your existing graphic designers or utilize an outsourced team.

That's all for this month, folks!

Hey! It's Travis with the Imagine Content & Consulting crew.

Check out my team's marketing musings every other week where we dive into different content creation strategies and audience-building tactics in agriculture and beyond.

Read more from Hey! It's Travis with the Imagine Content & Consulting crew.
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